Today is Bee's 18th birthday. Can you say grown woman?
Did you know that Kim & Bee both have May birthdays? Yes. Kim2Bee originated in the month of May. Best month ever. I love May Babies, but who doesn't love people, with whom they have things in common?May 1st- Alisha [Big Lisha]
May 2nd- Ronald
May 4th- Fayolah and Malique
May 5th- Porsha [SLG!!]
May 6th- Dennis [Drew-Ski]
May 9th- Khris [Squishy]
May 11th- Wayne [Head]
May 12th- Alexis, Vante
May 14th- KIM & Parin [my twin]
May 15th- Neil, Chelsea, & Pierre
May 16th- John
May 19th- Emma [Cookie Monster]
May 21st- Imahn
May 26th- Jaison [Boo]
May 29th- Gary [cuzzo!]
May 30th- BEE
As May comes to an end, the summer is only beginning. Summer 2009, what do you think? Best summer yet?
- Kim