One of my close guy friends left for school today, and he left this on my tumblr:
"Here on this last day in my wonderful city, I’ve begun to think about it all. I sit here reflecting on what has happened over these last few months. It has occurred to me that the people I surround myself with make my life great. God has blessed me with people who challenge me, inspire me, and hopefully have some type of love for me. I can only ask that you all will stay with me. I can only wish the best for you all. know that I'll be thinking of you. I'll be thinking of you all, but YOU’LL be on my mind. my memories will carry me and your voices will keep me happy. I ask that you be happy as well. Smile for me."
I will smile... just for you. One more day in Atlanta for me now... Couldn't be more bitter... or more sweet?