Okay. After going two and a half weeks without facebook, I've come to the conclusion that facebook is essential to the life of a teenager. About three weeks ago, I asked my bestfriend to change my facebook password for me, because it was my biggest distraction from homework. That day when I came home and tried to sign on to facebook, I was disappointed and even sad to see that he had actually remembered to change it. I thought that I would have at least one more night. But anyway, I thought....'I can do this.' Without my facebook, I couldn't find out about anything!

[Example] Beta club sends messages out regarding meetings and anything else important, and me without a facebook, I was unaware that all members were to wear white & black for our annual induction, and I stuck out like a sore thumb wearing green. I also missed several birthdays and events, and my tutor responded to a previous message. Being facebook-less sucked; hard. My mother was so proud of me that she paid me for my productive decision of going without Facebook until Spring Break. I admit, I cheated a little. I would ask my bestfriend to sign me in on his facebook mobile and I would go on during class, since the objective was not to get distracted at home. During the second week, I read an article entitled
Facebook: Convenience or Addiction? in the VOX teen newspaper about a girl who did the same thing, but she went as far as to deleting her whole account and recreating it. Sigh. True Life: I'm a facebook addict, but as a teenager, it's neccessary to function socially and academically.
- Kim [ the Harajuku Barbie ]